Thursday, March 05, 2015

Chouquette Patisserie & Cafe

We managed to wake up in time for breakfast/brunch over the weekend and decided to try out this little boulangerie and patisserie in New Farm called Chouquette. I saw that it was rated highly on The Urban List so I thought we would give it a go.

My first impression of Chouquette? That it was a super small cafe! We arrived between 10.30-11.00am and it was very crowded (They close at 12 noon on Sundays). There are only about 3 or 4 small tables inside the cafe itself. There are more seats outside along a wooden bench but those are equally difficult to get as well. We were lucky to get seats at the corner of the bench after a bit of a wait.

 Very nice and typical Parisian-styled interior:

 Heavenly desserts, I had my nose pressed to the glass like a kid in a candy store on Christmas day:

We wanted to get the chicken & avocado baguette but it was sold out so we settled for a ham & cheese baguette instead. It was not very nice both looks-wise and taste-wise. I didn't bother taking a picture of it as it was pretty ordinary. In fact, I think the baguette was too hard. I had a hard time tearing the bread off to eat, I nearly pulled my teeth out!

For dessert, we picked a strawberry tart and a milk & caramel tart. The Husband chose the latter and boy was it the right choice or the right choice!

The strawberry tart was normal, the tart base was fantastic though- it was the same as the base of the other tart. I love it! It's unlike Le Bon Choix's where it can be a bit too hard and tasteless. The milk & caramel tart was just oh my god, ridiculously delicious. Sinfully indulgent. I would go back just to have this tart again. It wasn't sickeningly sweet, and the layer of milk on the top? I can't even............

We had their coffees as well, I had a mocha and I thought that was fabulous. The coffee-to-milk ratio was just nice! I think we have a winner here.

After our super sinful breakfast, we crossed over to visit the New Farm Confectionery. I do think that their sweet treats are a tad too pricey, but the store front was just beautiful and the store owner graciously allowed me to take a few shots.

The Husband bought some nougat for $8 just to try. It tasted pretty ordinary. Not worth the $8 me thinks.  But then again, I'm a Cadbury kinda girl. I don't think I particularly need/prefer/want expensive treats in the first place.

Shall end off with a random shot of my coordinates on that day. Love the colors I had on, the mushroom-colored bag I thought went rather well with my mustard shorts and white lace top. I think apart from the size and the whiplash detailing, this bag reminds me so much of Givenchy's Obsedia bag but of course at a fraction of its price. I have to admit that in a fleeting moment of insanity, I did consider purchasing the Obsedia bag. Luckily, I came to my senses- I'd regret it if I were to pay over a $1,000 for it because it's just a wee crossbody bag! I came across my mushroom bag on eBay and I think I paid something like $40 for it? It's more functional than the Obsedia too because it's much bigger in size.

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