Thursday, October 15, 2015

Green Thumb

Oops I have neglected this space for quite awhile now! Been so busy with work and life in general. Ever since we got more involved in Church, we've been spending a lot more time outside. Have become pretty tight with some awesome girlfriends, met heaps of awesome people and so yes, now I have a social life. Ha! Before, it used to be [work, home, eat, sleep] x repeat, which can be pretty boring indeed. 

Anyhow, I took some pictures of Mr. Gardener at work a few weeks ago. He tends to the few plants we have every now and then, the mint, basil, lemon thyme and the dragon fruit cactus. We also recently acquired a curry plant from our neighbour, Auntie Evie. I'm not really a plants kinda person, so I'm quite glad that the Husband has it all under control.

Our resident spider! It used to live in our basil plant up till a week or two ago when there was heavy rain and hail. I don't know where it has gone to now, possible swept away by the winds or simply washed away.

Here's Molly! This is a rather old picture of her, these wee buds have since grown so much. We got advice from an experience gardener that we should tie up our dragon fruit plant to a wooden pole to give it that extra support as it grows. Am hoping that she would bear us some fruit soonish, haha!

This next picture was taken on the night of River Fire. Am so thankful that we can see the fireworks from our balcony and not have to jostle with the crowd down at South Bank. Loved the sky that night, it was a pinkish-purplish-blueish hue.

Speaking of South Bank, we were there a couple of weeks ago and there was like a strange event going on. Till today, I still don't know what that event was all about. There were lanterns, food trucks, performance stages, pop-up discos and more.

I guess all I really cared about was the fact that there was a cronut truck set up there! For the uninitiated, a cronut is the marriage between a croissant and a donut- cronut! It's flaky like a croissant but still solid like a donut. So sinful but total yums! At $8 a pop, it certainly wasn't cheap but it was quite a big one. We had some left over for breakfast the next day.

And of course, how can I blog about South Bank without leaving you guys with a mandatory picture of the ferris wheel!

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