Tuesday, June 09, 2015

20 Random Facts About Me

1) I don't have a favorite color, I like all colors except lemon yellow and light green. 

2) I go to sleep every night with my chou chou (small pillow). It has been with me since I was 6 years old. I talk to it sometimes and holding it when I'm down makes me feel comforted. And no, I'm not crazy.

3) My pet peeves? Bad grammar and people being disrespectful!

4) I'm extremely emotional, I'm always either super happy or super sad.

5) I think I am mostly a fun-loving, cheery person..? I don't take most things very seriously and I always have a joke or two up my sleeve.

6) I am a very determined person and once I've made up my mind about something, I go all out for it. I can go without food, water and toilet breaks during those times.

7) I take friendship very seriously. I trust people very easily too and that has caused me much heartache in the past. I would take a bullet for a close friend but I also expect the same from him/her, which hasn't always worked out I guess. Thankfully, the Husband has always been there to support and remind me that not everyone thinks the same way I do.

8) I am pretty much a black and white person in almost all matters, I can never be in the gray zone or be on the fence about anything. I am a super direct, and in-your-face person. I like straightforward people, and I always welcome constructive criticism.

9) I love eggs! Especially fried eggs and omelets!

10) I never used to drink coffee. I used to think it was bitter and horrible but now I need a cuppa every morning. 

11) I love doing sales. If I weren't in science, I would have done sales and marketing instead.

12) I have an unhealthy obsession with popcorn, especially sweet and salty kind. 

13) I am 27 years old but constantly think and behave like a 20 year old. 

14) I only buy really cheap shoes and clothes. I don't usually buy anything that costs over $20.

15) I'm a germaphobe. Not to the extent that I can't/don't do stuff but to the extent that I keep thinking about it non-stop long after the action has been done.

16) My mind never seems to go to sleep. A million thoughts race through my mind from the moment I wake up. Even when I'm asleep, I'm dreaming. I never sleep without ever dreaming.

17) I like toys/characters that look silly and disproportionate. I find them cute.

18) I prefer texting to talking over the phone.

19) I have an irrational fear of reptiles (except crocodiles) and amphibians. Just thinking about them makes my skin crawl and my hair stand. One time, I saw heaps of lizards in a park and I just burst into tears.

20) I fidget a lot when I'm without my phone.

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