Thursday, March 05, 2015

Post-IELTS Thoughts

Okay I'm a little late in posting this but here are my post-IELTS thoughts:

There were about 20 of us in a little room, each of us generously seated apart. My table was right at the front, beside this guy who annoyed me so much throughout the whole test. He was very arrogant, very fidgety and very inconsiderate. He was making clucking noises constantly, muttering to himself, reading almost aloud all the questions on the test paper, asking the invigilator questions loudly when she specifically told him to lower down his volume, he also didn't listen to instructions regarding which piece of paper he had to write on etc. As you can imagine, I was pretty distracted throughout the whole examination. I was also fuming mad on the inside and did the test with gritted teeth. 

Anyway, the test itself was alright I suppose. Believe it or not, I actually found the writing section the most challenging! My thoughts were all over the place and I went blank at Task 1, which was simply to write a letter to a friend inviting him/her to a party that I was organizing for my family. I think I was just nervous and also very distracted by that annoying yobo. The listening section was very easy and reading section was okay too. I'm just a little worried not doing well for the writing section. Results will be out next week so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

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