Sunday, February 08, 2015

Wedding Gift Exchange

We did a little gift exchange on the morning that we were to be married, just before we left for the Church. I guess we caught each others' not-so-subtle hints, ha!


I thought Mr. C would've gotten a simple string of pearls from the likes of Chomel or something because they're commonly sold there. He even housed the necklace in a Chomel bag as a decoy! Don't get me wrong, I'd still have loved it even if it was from Chomel because I really do appreciate his efforts in sourcing for them in the first place in spite of our crazy schedule. So receiving them from Tiffany's was indeed a bonus. Pearls are timeless and I do intend to keep these very close to my heart and perhaps one day pass them on to my daughter, if I ever do end up having one.

I got Mr. C an automatic watch, he loves watches so what better present is there to give him than a classic design from Tissot? I always joke about his hairy wrists. It's just, so weird. But lovable weird.

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