Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Rare Breakfast Outing

Today we actually made it outside for breakfast! I think this is only the 3rd time in about 6.5 years that we actually had breakfast together?

It was the husband's idea to go to Le Bon Choix at Paddington. We had the toasted chicken ciabatta, I had the custard fruit tart and a mocha, and Mr. C had a black forest cheescake and a chai latte.

It was really busy at the cafe and the servers looked really flustered. I guess Sunday brunch must be one of their busiest hey.

The husband complained about his chai latte, he said it was 99% milk and I agree. Just by looking at it, it was almost all white in color. My mocha was more flavourful- too flavourful in fact, to a point where I was almost choking on the cocoa powder in there.

The desserts were great as usual- the black forest cheesecake was light and fluffy and the fruit tart was just totally decadent! Anyone who knows me, knows that I love the pastry part of tarts more than the filling/topping itself. I hear I am quite the opposite of almost everyone..? Anyhow, I'm really happy that Le Bon Choix is generous with their tart pastry!

Mr. C took a photo of me at breakfast. I was quite surprised to look that skinny in the photo, so I was quite happy at that. He proceeded with some self-praise, that he knows all about angles etc. Haaaa.

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