Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Upgraded to Business Class (Emirates)

After taking budget airlines (aka Scoot, an SIA subsidiary) to and from Singapore ever since its launch, Mr. C and I welcomed a changed and booked ourselves on Emirates. It was quite cheap when we bought the tickets, about AUD$700 return per person. This is in contrast to Scoot tickets, which would have cost about AUD$400-500, excluding the super long transfer coach journey to Gold Coast at unearthly hours. 

Although the plane was a little dated, we enjoyed our flight back thoroughly. Having meals served to us on the plane suddenly felt like a luxury even though it was just a normal Economy class ticket! 

A few days before we were to depart from Singapore, Mr. C received an email from Emirates- they were giving us an option to upgrade to Business class for USD$200 per person! Business class for under AUD$1,000? Yes please! 

Priority for boarding was given to First and Business class passengers, we walked in like a Sir and for a moment there, we felt more important than who we actually were. Ha! We're cheap like that, I know.

We went up to the Business Lounge before boarding.

There was quite an extensive buffet spread, but Mr. C and I had just had lunch with our families so we weren't very hungry when we got to the lounge. Nevertheless, we still stuffed our faces. How not to?!

This is my 2nd time on Business class but the 1st was so long ago I just can't recall too much. Anyway, I was so happy with the amount of leg room! For once, I could stretch out my legs and still not accidentally kick the person in front of me. The seats are fully reclining too! I was so tired I fell asleep almost immediately when we took off. 

I was woken for the first meal. Mr. C knows how much I like to eat. Actually, throughout the flight, I had pretty fitful sleep not because it wasn't comfortable, but because I was afraid that I would miss meals! What a glutton I am.

Seen here below, are only the appetizers! There was some cold chicken cuts served with papaya, lime and sweet chilli compote, 3 types of bread (rye and 2 others which I cannot recall now), butter set in a cute rosette shape, olive oil, S&P and garden salad.

This was the main I chose, grilled seabass with garlic butter sauce and tossed herb potatoes on the side. Honestly, I was so stuffed I picked at a few bits here and there and gave the rest to Mr. C who happily wolfed the rest down.

We were next served dessert! Mr. C chose a caramel mousse thing and I chose the chocolate opera with salted caramel. Both were absolutely delish~

We were then given a small box of Godiva chocolates!

SO. MUCH. FOOD. We were bursting. A few hours later, we were served a light meal. I had a lovely chicken mushroom pie and Mr. C had sauteed sweet chilli prawns served with glass noodles. I didn't take photos because I had just woken up from my 2nd nap and was too groggy.

We were also given gorgeous toiletry bags stuffed with so many things. The luxury brand Bvlgari was the chosen choice on board Emirates.

We didn't use anything from the bags because everything was just too pretty to be used! 

Anyway, one other interesting thing about our flight was the ceiling of the aircraft. When the lights were turned down, we were so surprised to see "stars"! It was almost as if we were star-gazing! It was just so fascinating, yet calming at the same time. I really, really love this concept! 10 thumbs up, Emirates! Good job!

The whole flight was fuss-free and painless. We also got to disembark first, and collected our luggages in no time. We were out of the airport within minutes, thanks to the new e-pass system at the airport. I feel fortunate to be a Singaporean passport holder! No more waiting in lines just to clear immigration.

Emirates Business class also offer complimentary limousine rides from the airport to your destination. However, we regrettably forgot to book a ride home so we took a taxi and paid AUD$53.50. Bugger that.

Overall, Mr. C and I had a wonderful experience with Emirates and I would highly recommend them to anyone. I have seen the Business class seats on board Singapore Air (SQ) before and although they are spacious, they're quite "blah" and  just don't have the kind of luxurious feel that Emirates has on theirs.

I hope we get upgraded again in the near future! That would be so awesome! I also can't wait to take Mum and Dad on board Business class too, as they have never been on them before. I am sure they would love the fully-reclining seats more than anything else. I can already picture Dad complaining about the non-stop eating, haha! #firstworldproblems right!

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