Saturday, July 12, 2014


I think I am regressing. I grew up as a child not really liking soft toys (I'd always thought of them as a complete waste of space and that they were nothing but dust collectors) but it's like now I can't resist anything furry and cute. My plushie collection has indeed been growing exponentially. 

Disclaimer: Please don't think I'm crazy, I'm really not  : )

Here's me and Bobbie, my lavender and wheat-filled bear from the Bridestowe Lavender Farm in Tasmania (see below). What a gorgeous place! Lavenders are in full bloom in summer and they are harvested in late January. I can only imagine the fragrance when you set foot at the entrance of the farm. Actually, I'm pretty sure you can smell them even before you see the actually farm. How lovely! Mr. C and I may visit Tasmania at the end of the year, as my little "Ph.D Graduation Trip", but we'll see if our budget permits.

Bobbie the Lavender bear has been really popular. Enter his name into Google and you'll see heaps of articles about him. It all started when some Chinese superstar/model posted a selfie with Bobbie, and the whole of China went mad for Bobbie. Bridestowe was completely sold out of Bobbie for weeks, almost months! Many replicas of Bobbie also came out during that time, much to the ire of the original Bobbie-makers.

I was lucky and got my Bobbie online from a reseller in Tasmania, he came in a cute satin Chinese jacket because when I bought him, it was during the Lunar New Year and Bridestowe released a limited edition bear. He's really soft and cute albeit heavy (almost 1 kg in weight), and he smells very good too. Oh and did I mention, Bobbie is microwaveable? He doubles up as a heat pack. A colleague of mine was interested to buy some Bobbies for 4 of her little nieces.

 "Broccoli, Celery, Gotta be, Veggie Tales~"

Apparently this is the theme song for a childrens' cartoon show called "Veggie Tales". Mr. C introduced it to me. I've never seen it as a kid, but he has. We watched a couple of episodes on Youtube and I've gotta say, it's really cute and funny! When I was at Ikea a couple of months back, I saw this fella:

What a silly looking thing! But how adorable at the same time! We brought him home and named him Broccoli. How original of us, hey.

My get-up seen below was also fairly quickly put together- I wore a simple $15 black polyester top with cream quilted sleeves and collar from T.e.m.t, $20 denims from H&M (they were on sale, what a steal), $10 black PVC flats from Rubi Shoes and my bag is the Micro Luggage from Celine in the color 'Dune'.

Here's another with me and my Craftholics (from my previous post). Mr. C bought me 3 of them as our 5th anniversary gift, and the other 3 are from my best girlfriend for my birthday. I am dearly loved and greatly blessed indeed.

Last but not least, here is my most useful little frog pouch that I got from Daiso at $2.80. Mr Froggie holds my car keys and my house keys. I have also a bear one but I have yet to find a use for it.

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