Monday, March 03, 2014

We're Engaged!

We got engaged last year, on the 8th of February 2013! We were staying at Hamilton Island for a couple of days and Mr. C popped The Question while we were on a helicopter ride across the Great Barrier Reef.

Hamilton Island is really beautiful and we were so happy to have had a chance to visit.

Our ride for the weekend- an all-too-cute little white buggy! Everyone on the Island travels around in a buggy, it was really interesting to see. I think we paid about AUD$200 to have the buggy for the weekend. The speed limit of the buggy is 20km/h, for safety reasons. We really enjoyed driving ours around and we were so sad to see it go when we left.

There's a place on the Island called "One Tree Hill". From there, we had breathtaking views of the surrounding islands. I have never ever seen water so blue, sand so white, and trees so green in my entire life before. The azure shades of the water was just amazing.

The next day, we went on our Helicopter ride. The helicopter would take us over the main attraction- the Heart Reef, before landing on a strip off a little private island called Whitehaven Beach. Part of the package includes a picnic basket for us to have on the beach.

Our cute little blue heli painted to look like a shark:

Our friendly pilot:

The Great Barrier Reef in all its glory! When the helicopter took off, I had butterflies in my tummy! It was #1 very scary and #2 I am scared of heights. But after that, I got used to it and started to really enjoy the ride.

The ride out to the Heart Reef was about 30 min but it seemed more like 3 min! I wanted it to last longer. Our pilot hovered over the Heart Reef for a while so we could take pictures like crazy tourists. I squealed when I saw the Heart Reef! It was sooooo cute! And all natural!

It was during this time that Mr. C pulled out a ring and a little photo book! We were strapped in to our seats and had thick earphones over our heads so I couldn't really hear anything. Whatever we said, our pilot could also hear due to the intercomm system of the helicopter. That system was quite intermittent also anyway. The photo book Mr. C made had a card which read, "Will you marry me?" so there was no way I could miss that!

Love my bling! I love it more because Mr. C decided on the stone on his own. He wanted me to have the best that he could offer at the stage in time, and to me, that really meant more than anything else.

Landing on Whitehaven Beach:

Our picnic basket was very carefully thought out and packed by the helicopter tour company, Hamilton Air. We finished everything except for the bottle of champagne which was left unopened since Mr. C and I are both allergic to alcohol.

We then had sometime on the beach where we just took a nice stroll along the shore before our pilot flew us back to Hamilton Island.

When we got back to our hotel room, I was so surprised to see a bouquet of flowers sitting on the dressing table! Mr. C had gotten the florist to come in with my favourite flowers- gerberas:

A close up of the photo book Mr. C made from scratch. Inside were pictures that we had taken together over the course of our >5 year relationship. It was a trip down memory lane.

Mr. C also painstakingly folded many many stars made out of drinking straws and affixed them onto the back of the photo book. He told me his fingers were so sore after folding these stars, and I can imagine that because folding anything plastic can be quite trying indeed.

And now, a little bit more about my bling! Mr. C got my ring from a private jeweller in Singapore called JannPaul. We heard about them by word-of-mouth, and many praised them for their service and quality of stones. JannPaul only carries diamonds of a certain cut and color, so you can be assured that each and every diamond from them, down to the little side diamonds, will be sparkly.

Mr C. chose a designer Solasfera diamond in D color, with 91 facets and 10 hearts and arrows as opposed to the usual 8 hearts and arrows. The stone was then set in a halo on a double-shanked half eternity white gold ring. I'm sorry I really don't mean to brag but the fire and brilliance of this stone is quite something. Anyway, the ring is currently a little loose on me but I don't think I will be re-sizing it as that would mean me being apart from my ring for 2 weeks! I know I know, I have issues.

There is a cute engraved message in the ring too. Mad love the little heart shape pattern. 

After so many years together, after going through so many ups and downs in Australia together, I am really happy that it has come to this. I know Mr. C and I don't always get along, but the truth is, I can't see myself with anyone else. How we got together was very unusual and from the day we started going out, we felt as if we had known each other for the longest time ever. Everything was just very comfortable and there was no pretending or acting on our part although our personalities were worlds apart. We both have had to make heaps of adjustments in order to stay together and on many occasions, we almost couldn't make it through.

Anyway, we are now starting to plan our wedding and I intend to document each and every detail in this blog as my way of remembering the whole experience. Stay tuned!

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